Courial Partner FAQs
- How Do I Courial?
- What's the VIP Program?
- How do Courials get paid?
- Why am I not getting any offers?
- In what markets or cities is Courial live?
- How do I contact Customer Support?
- How VIP Orders Are Assigned: A Quick Guide
- Before you Confirm an Order
- Chat with Courial
- Do I need the Courial Debit Card?
- How do I pay at Pick up (Courial Pay Order)?
- How does the Charging Valet Service work?
- New Late Fee Policy on Late Pickups and Drops
- Reasons for Deactivation or Suspension
- How do I access my Profile and Settings?
- What are the benefits of being a Courial?
- Does Courial deliver groceries?
- How do I Set Offer Limits?
- Can I ride in the same vehicle as the Courial?
- What is a Courial Buddy?